Porting Lollipop Based ROMs for MTK Kitkat Devices

How To Port Lollipop Based ROMs for MTK Kitkat Devices

Only For Mediatek SOCs

This guide applies to same chipsets:

MT6577 to MT6577
MT6589 to MT6589
MT6572 to MT6572
MT6582 to MT6582

And works also for:

MT6589 to MT6577
MT6582 to MT6572
MT6577 to MT6575

Before starting this tutorial, please make a backup of your ROM
I am not responsible for any damage to your device, this guide is for expert users.

You Need:

– Winrar, 7-Zip or similar
– Notepad++
– Tool for unpack/repack mtk boot.imgs
– Kitkat Stock ROM
– Lollipop ROM for port
– Brain

Step 1.- Unzip the port lollipop ROM and also stock ROM. Rename the lollipop ROM to port ROM

Step 2.- Delete this files or folders in port ROM and replace with your files from Stock ROM:


Step 3.- Open system/lib/hw folder in Stock Rom, then select & copy all files and paste to system/lib/hw folder in port ROM replacing files.
Note: if you porting a ROM from a different SOC, delete this files before in port rom: audio.primary.mt65xx.so, gralloc.mt65xx.so, hwcomposer.mt65xx.so, ligths.mt65xx.so, sensors.mt65xx.so

Step 4.- Open system/vendor in Stock ROM, copy folders and subfolders and paste to system/vendor in port ROM replacing files

Step 5.-.Rename the stock boot.img to stockboot.img and the port boot.img to portboot.img. Unpack the boot.imgs, compare the fstabs(ramdisk/fstab or fstab.mt65xx) and make changes in fstab from portboot.img(open it using notepad++). Use zImage from your stockboot.img and the ramdisk folder from portboot.img, recompile and replace in port rom folder.

Step 6.- Open the updater-script in META-INF from port rom, open it with Netepad++. Edit the format &mount points(compare with your updater-script from stock META-INF)


format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p7", "0", "/system");
format("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p5", "0", "/data");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p7", "/system");

Step 7.- Zip the port ROM and flash it in recovery mode and enjoy
