Duta: The bot you really need as a WhatsApp user

Use WhatsApp like a BOSS!

Ever got bored during a conversation or you feel like involving friends to compete with on TRIVIA games during conversations on WhatsApp Messenger?

Ever missed a football match live score because something hindered you from watching it?

Most groups die down due to inactive participants, thus, nothing makes the group show up in the radar.

Do you know there’s how you can add more fun to the ordinary WhatsApp messenger you use on daily basis?

Whatsapp can serve as a great tool more than we can imagine. Okay- here am about to teach you how to utilize WhatsApp Messenger as a tool.

Allow me to introduce the Whatsapp Bot called DUTA. Yeah Duta; sounds weird right? Forget the name let’s get to the game!

Firstly let me give you a heads up about duta: What is Duta? Duta is a Bot specifically programmed to assist in most areas of virtual life (social network). I know most of you would be familiar with the telegram bots which assists the admin.

Well, WhatsApp has had its own Bot for quite sometime now which most of us don’t know about. We can say DUTA is Wikipedia (Based on detailed and accurate information derives, making wiki its source).

Duta awaits commands for each user and then sends reply within Nanoseconds! Isn’t that just too good?

 The fun is that each user starts from the “Apprentice” Level, up to the “Grandmaster” level. More advanced search results would be given as you go higher on the level. You gain points based on how often you use duta each day. And the best part is, you don’t get to leave WhatsApp to access Duta. Everything goes on within WhatsApp.

In this article I’ll show you the three main command type that boosts duta points. At the end of this article (For football lovers), I will show you how you can compete with other duta users on different groups with DUTA spotkick and you could earn either NGN Airtime, or more duta points. [which is just for reputation, not that it can serve as anything special].

Update- December 9, 2019: Why Duta stopped working on WhatsApp.


Functions of Duta are numerous to be mentioned but I will outline the major ones.

As I mentioned earlier about getting INSTANT football scores with detailed information about what’s going on in the football match; I know football lovers would cherish this part of the features.

Good news to Tech Lovers, Duta sends latest news about technology down to your DM. See the image below:

Duta: The bot you really need as a WhatsApp user 1

To get  full Details on each Tech news. Just send the Text Bolded. E.g.

Text one [1] says IB0. Just send the Command, It’ll send the full News immediately. Awesome isn’t it? I’ve been using Duta to make researches without leaving a conversation and I must say most people are amazed due to my fast response to most questions they thought would be difficult for people. One good thing about having Duta around is; it makes everything easier for you. 

Check out my quick search below:

Duta: The bot you really need as a WhatsApp user 2

As a student; finding the meaning of words while lectures are going on has been made easier. I will outline the commands below on how to use Duta.

I know most people will be Anxious about How to Activate Duta on WhatsApp. So here’s the thing. Just add this number +17027933098 to your group. Then you’d get an instant activation message… Activate the fun. I’ll list the commands below.

Note: Duta provides varieties of services. It will promptly send the commands after activation stated above. But I have to give you the key steps:

To activate Football news Send this command “+Football”

NOTE: THE “+” SIGN (Without quotation mark) FOLLOWED BY THE COMMAND WORD.

More commands below:

To get instant dictionary meaning of words. Send “dict Phenomenon”

NOTE: “DICT” (which is short for dictionary)


To use instant Wikipedia search = Wiki Barack Obama.


For music lovers like me, it’s high time we switch lanes to Duta and check out the swiftest way of finding song lyrics. To get song lyrics, send the command “lyrics” followed by the song name or title.

Example: Lyrics backwords.  See the screenshot below.

Duta: The bot you really need as a WhatsApp user 3

You could also get Nigeria News down to your inbox on daily basis. Duta got you covered on relevant things you need.

Nonetheless, you can play quiz and other awesome puzzle games. To play one of its games just send the command “JUMBLE”.

To the football lovers I said something earlier about Duta spotkick where you get quiz games and you could win awesome prices. check this out

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To compete just add +917540099369 to your group.

Find DUTA amazing? Please endeavor to drop your comments and experience below.