About Google Chrome mobile browser

Google Chrome browser
Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a web browser, an application through which you can access internet or World Web Wide (WWW) to access whatever information you’re interested in.

Basic features of Google Chrome

Google Chrome offers a private browsing mode called ‘Incognito tab‘. If you happen to be sharing your device with someone else, or want to access a website and not have the browser save your browsing history, incognito mode is your go-to guy. But then, you’re not completely invisible. Your browsing information might be visible to websites you visit and your internet service provider (ISP). All your downloads and bookmakes will be saved though.

About Google Chrome mobile browser 1

Chrome browser has a well organized feature-packed settings page. Settings is like a piece of metal in which a precious stone or gem is fixed to form a piece of jewelry. That is to say, it is a place to arrange or setup all your relevant info and it contains a lot. Also it has close all tab.

Google has design this application in such a way you can communicate with different people all over the world, by using its built in language translator. Its Audio search feature is another important tool because some persons are better in speaking than writing.

One very important feature of Google Chrome is that you can easily sign-in to the browser using your Google account, and all your browsing data (passwords, browsing history, bookmarks, auto-fill info, etc) will be saved on your Google account to be accessed on all your linked (or logged in) devices.

If accidentally you lost your mobile device or for some reason you switch to a new smartphone, all you have to do once you get a replacement device is login to your Google account, and you will be able to access your information and previous activities. That is to say Chrome helps to save all your data to your Google account so no information is lost.

Also, you can share links between and across your devices which same Google account is logged. This you can call ‘cross device link sharing’.

Google Chrome Security feature

It has security that’s so powerful, it automatically protects its users from issues confronting them as they access the internet. Issues which can be seen as the act of sending email that falsely claims to be from a legitimate organization. This is usually combined with a threat or request for information – Phishing.

A lot of persons have lost access to their Facebook account, banking and credit card details and other sensitive information to hackers as a result of phishing. For instance, an email will ask the recipient to supply confidential information, such as bank account details, PINs or Password; these details are then used by the owners of the website to conduct Fraud. Chrome security protects users from such issues.

Making Chrome your default browser

If you make Google Chrome your default browser, links clicked by you in any app on your phone will automatically open via Chrome. Setting default browser is easier than you thought. Follow the step below:

  • Launch Settings on your Android phone
  • Go to Apps and notifications
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click Advanced.
  • Click on Default apps
  • Finally, click on Browser app

Changing Theme in Chrome

Theme in Chrome helps to beautify the browser, it has light and dark mode that will enables you turn on/off the dark or light mode when needed. Follow this link to enable or deactivate dark mode in Google Chrome.

Clearing your cache in Chrome

If you repeatedly embrace errors when you access a specific webpage, or for instance, if a page content has been updated but you keep seeing the old content, clearing your browser cache will fix that. To clear your cache, follow the steps below-

  • Launch Google Chrome
  • At the top-right of your screen click on three dots
  • Select Settings and click on Privacy
  • Scroll down and click on clear browsing data
  • Confirm and click clear to erase cache
  • Now go back and reload the page
About Google Chrome mobile browser 2
About Google Chrome mobile browser 3

Google Chrome, the best browser?

It all boils down to your preferences and requirements in a mobile web browser. Google Chrome is one of the best browsers there is. It’s reliable, secure and fast in browsing. It also operate both on mobile devices and PC. If you don’t use this browser already, go and download it from your favorite app store, it’s completely free.